7 Best Grammar-Checking Tools to Perfect Your Academic Writing

Writing is an art that requires precision and quality. One incorrect word or punctuation could change the entire meaning of a sentence, creating confusion and muddling up your writing altogether. This makes it vital to write clearly and proofread your work after you’ve finished drafting it.

A few trusted grammar-checking tools can help immensely with this process, so look at our list of the 7 best grammar-checking tools below to find the one that’s right for you!

Best Grammar Tools For Writing

1. Grammarly: Best for Students

Grammarly is the world’s most popular grammar and plagiarism checking tool, in case you don’t know.

Trust this: Grammarly’s free Chrome extension has been downloaded 10 million times, and the company has 6.9 million daily active users.

One of the best things about Grammarly is that it can run on a Chrome extension. As long as you are using the same Google account, you don’t have to install it on each of your devices.

That said, Grammarly works well with your Emails, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and other word-processing tools. The app also has an iOS app that can be downloaded from the App Store.

It offers a free version of its service but you need to upgrade if you want to use it for more than just writing.

2. PaperRater

PaperRater is a free tool that helps you improve your writing. It checks your grammar and sentence structure, detects problems with your sentences, and provides feedback on how to fix them.

PaperRater uses an algorithm that automatically detects grammar and spelling errors in documents. It also analyzes the paper’s content to determine if it contains any errors.

Once PaperRater has analyzed your document, it will give you suggestions for how to improve your writing. You can choose to accept or ignore the suggestions.

PaperRater is a great way to get feedback on your writing skills.

You can also upgrade it to get more value.

3. Virtual Writing Tutor

Suppose you’re a writer looking to improve your grammar and writing skills. In that case, Virtual Writing Tutor is one of the best grammar-checking tools available today. It’s easy to use and can take you through a series of exercises designed to improve your grammar and spelling.

Virtual Writing Tutor was created by a team of language experts with years of experience teaching English as a foreign language. They wanted to create an online tool that would allow students of all levels to learn how to write clearly and professionally without having to go through the hassle of attending classes or paying expensive tutor fees.

Virtual Writing Tutor works by breaking down each word into its parts (such as prefixes, suffixes, and root words), then labeling it according to its function within the sentence. After identifying each word in your writing will give you feedback on how well it fits into its context.

4. Ginger

Ginger is a grammar-checking tool for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. It lets you check your web pages for common mistakes such as missing commas, missing words, or wrong punctuation.

Ginger is a feature-rich grammar checker that can be used to improve your writing skills and make you a better writer. It has been developed by The Spelling Bee, which is a website dedicated to helping people learn English spelling and reading comprehension.

It works like a spellchecker, but instead of looking out for spelling mistakes, it checks for grammar mistakes such as punctuation errors and verb tenses.

5. Jetpack for WordPress

Jetpack for WordPress is a powerful plugin that will help you improve your writing skills. It is one of the most popular plugins today, with millions of users using it daily to write better content.

Jetpack has been used by many writers and bloggers who want to improve their grammar and make their writing more engaging. This plugin offers more than just grammar checking, though. It also supports other features that help you get the most out of your writing.

6. Prowritingaid

Prowritingaid is a web-based tool that allows you to check your grammar and spelling mistakes.

Prowritingaid checks your writing for numerous errors, including common sense mistakes (like using “should” instead of “would”), spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors.

You can enter a passage from Wikipedia or any other online source, and it will automatically correct most of the errors in your text.

7. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor is a free grammar-checking tool for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that can be used to check your writing.

The Hemingway Editor tool will help you catch common writing mistakes and ensure your sentences are well-formed. As the name suggests, it was created by Hemingway editor Paul Collins.

8. Quillbot

QuillBot is an automated writing tool developed by Rohan Gupta. It can be used to check grammar and spelling in any web-based document. The program is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. QuillBot is free to use but does require a subscription to access premium features such as the ability to save your writing as a draft for later editing or publishing.

Why Is Grammar Important In Writing?

You might be wondering why it is essential to check your grammar. Well, here are some reasons:

1. People who have poor grammar skills are more likely to have trouble with the English language. This can lead to confusion when reading or writing and make it difficult for others to understand what you are trying to say.

2. Writing well is integral to becoming a better writer and communicator. If you want people to take your writing seriously, they must understand precisely what you mean and how you mean it. Good grammar helps people understand what you are trying to say in the most straightforward way possible.

3. Grammar errors can make your writing seem less professional than others, resulting in lower job performance reviews or even rejection from employers! Even if this isn’t true for everyone, the statistics give us reason not to take chances when choosing our potential employers!

Is Grammarly The Best Grammar Checker?

We are sure you’ve heard about Grammarly before.

A grammar checker helps you improve your writing by identifying and correcting errors. It also has a plagiarism checker, detecting if your writing is copied from another source.

We are going to tell you why we think Grammarly is the best grammar-checking tool on the market today:

-Easy to use! You don’t have to be a computer whiz to use this software. Anyone can use it, even if they’re starting with their writing career.

-It works on all platforms! So whether you’re using an android phone or an apple device, Grammarly can help you polish up your writing skills and make sure it’s easy for readers to understand what you’re trying to say.

-It has a lot of features! The more features a product has, the better it is at doing what it promises—in this case, helping writers improve their work. There are so many things Grammarly does that other programs don’t do—like checking for gender bias or word count issues—that make it worth every penny.

Can Grammarly Improve My Writing?

Yes, you can improve your writing by using Grammarly.

We all know that writing is essential, but we can improve it with the right tools.

Grammarly is a free online grammar checker that lets you check sentences for common mistakes and other errors. Before you write anything, you can use Grammarly to ensure your sentences are accurate and correct. It will give suggestions for how to fix any mistakes it finds—and it’s even smart enough to recognize when you’ve written the same sentence twice.

Using Grammarly will help you become a better writer by giving you more confidence in your work, which in turn will help boost your productivity and creativity.


We have examined, tested, and reviewed the best Grammar Checking Tool that can improve your writing. Various tools are available with inbuilt functions for grammar checking, text replacement, and PDF conversion. 

But we think Grammarly is one of the best grammar checker tool.We hope you will find our guide helpful if you are looking for good writing. Thanks for reading. 

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