Write for Us

Thank you for taking your interest in writing a guest post for us.

Acknowledgement World is a culture of appreciation.

Being grateful also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or a higher power.

Harvard Health Publishing – Harvard Medical School

We believe the world today deserves more gratitude and that’s why we want to keep spreading this energy through our blog.

If you think you are aligned with this value, writing for us is not only a great way to establish yourself as an expert in the field, but it is also one the best thing you can do to promote the culture of appreciation.

Please take some time to review this entire page as it clearly explains the guidelines, the submission process, and the type of content we accept.

The highlights

  • Our website gets an average of 100,000+ visitors per month. This is the place to bring your piece in front of a wider audience who will read and reshare your content.
  • We have a group of young and energetic followers who are hungry for knowledge, here are the age demographics:
    18-24: 48.33%
    25-34: 22.64%
    35-44: 13.50%

What we look for

  • Successful guest post contributions should be helpful interesting, and educational. To increase your chances of getting published on our blog:
  • Is a relevant, well-researched post (preferably 1000+ words) with actionable tips.
  • Is 100% original and unpublished. We will not republish anything that’s been published elsewhere.
  • Only includes claims that are backed by links to credible research or case studies. Avoid citing our competitors, and using any irrelevant promotional links to websites.
  • Includes examples and relevant images to illustrate your point. Avoid using stock photos that don’t add any value to the copy.
  • Includes subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs (no longer than 4 lines) which make the article easily readable. 

Topics we cover

Most of our audience consists of college students, postgraduate students, researchers, TAs, or even young professors. They are here looking for tips, best practices, and guides on how to ace their academic writing, get good grades or get a job offer. As we aim to build a library of ready-to-use information and smart insights that they will be addicted to.

* Please refer to the existing posts on our blog to understand and identify more topics, content layouts, language, and tone that we prefer, further.

Submission guidelines

  • Submissions must meet our content team’s quality standards in order to get published. Editors reserve the right to reject contributions at their discretion and make minor edits to your article.
  • Your article must be 1000+ words and offer something actionable and ready-to-use for our readers.
  • You can only have 2 self-serving links in your article. Either a link to a relevant, informative, resource (i.e. a blog post) in the body of the article (dofollow link) or to your site or to any social media channel in the author bio (dofollow link). You can link to other relevant articles from our blog that may add value to the article.
  • Other outgoing links must be relevant to your topic. e.g. Links to education institutes or research papers.
  • Once published on our blog you cannot publish it anywhere else, including your own blog.
  • Images and videos are encouraged only if they help to illustrate your points and make it easier for the reader to understand.
  • Images width should be 500 pixels or less. Please send them as a separate attachment and indicate where they go by inserting the file name in your article.
  • Make sure not to violate copyright when using images. Give credit when needed.

Just so you know

We charge US$50-100 per blog post published on our website, depending on the quality.

We get 30-50 submissions per month. Therefore, avoid sending emails asking whether your article is getting published or not. If we have selected your article, you’ll hear from us.

To submit your article idea, please email to admin@acknowledgementworld.com with the information below.

About yourself

Email address:
Social media URL to link to in your Bio:
Bio (to be included in the article, within 60 words):
Links to 3 of your best articles:
Do you have a PayPal account?
Your website:

About your post

Post title:
Post introduction section (1-3 paragraphs in no more than 150 words):

Looking forward to some great articles. If we think it’s the right fit, we’ll be in touch to discuss the next steps and anything else we need to publish your post.