What Does “Please Acknowledge Receipt” Mean in an Email?

Imagine you’re sending a report to your manager. You put in all the time and effort to carefully wrap it up and send it off. But what if your email gets swamped in his mailbox and he never got a chance to open it? Or worse, what if he receives it but never let you know? 

This is where “please acknowledge receipt of this email” comes in. 

In this post, we will explore the best practices for requesting acknowledgement of receipt in an email, including the use of appropriate language, the importance of providing context, and strategies for ensuring timely responses. 

Whether you’re a business professional, a student, or simply someone looking to improve their email communication skills, this guide will provide you with the tools you need to effectively request acknowledgement of receipt and improve your overall communication skills.

What does “please acknowledge receipt” mean?

The phrase “please acknowledge receipt” is a request for confirmation that the recipient has received the email and is aware of its contents. It is a way to ensure that the message was received and that the recipient is able to respond or take any necessary action. 

This simple request helps to ensure that communication is clear and that both parties are on the same page.

Here are 3 examples of how “please acknowledge receipt of this email” can be used in different business contexts:

  1. A manager sends an email to her team with a deadline for a project. She includes the phrase “please acknowledge receipt of this email” to ensure that everyone on the team has received the message and understands the deadline.
  2. A salesperson sends an email to a client with a proposal for a new product. They include the phrase “please acknowledge receipt of this email” to confirm that the client has received the proposal and is able to review it.
  3. An HR representative sends an email to all employees with information about a new company policy. They include the phrase “please acknowledge receipt of this email” to confirm that all employees have received the message and understand the new policy.

Why is acknowledging the receipt of emails important?

Acknowledging receipt of emails is important in the business context because it ensures that the message was received and understood, and that the recipient is able to respond or take any necessary action. It also helps to avoid confusion and miscommunication and provides both parties with a clear understanding of the status of a request or task.

How to politely ask for acknowledge receipt of an email?

First thing first, be clear by letting the recipient know that an acknowledgement of receipt is expected. This can be used as the last sentence of your email as a call to action. 

Here are a few variations you can use in your email.

  1. Please confirm receipt.
  2. Please confirm receipt of this email.
  3. Please confirm upon receipt.
  4. Please let me know that you have received this email.
  5. Kindly confirm receipt by return email.
  6. Kindly let me know that you have received this email.
  7. Could you please acknowledge receipt of this email?
  8. Could you kindly confirm that you have received this email?
  9. I kindly request confirmation of receipt for this email.
  10. I appreciate it if you would acknowledge the receipt of this email.

Providing context to highlight the importance

Next, you may also provide some context to the email and the reason for the acknowledgement request, this will help the recipient understand the importance of acknowledging receipt.

Here’s an example:

Dear [Recipient],

As you may know, we are currently in the process of submitting a proposal for a new project, and your input is crucial to the success of our proposal. 

The deadline for submission is next Monday, and we need to ensure that all necessary information is included in the proposal.

Please confirm receipt of this email as soon as possible, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Your input and participation in this process are greatly appreciated.


[Your Name]

In this example, the sender provides context for the email by mentioning the purpose of the email (submitting a proposal for a new project) and the importance of the recipient’s input and participation. 

They also mention the urgency of the request and the deadline for submission. This helps the recipient understand the importance of acknowledging receipt and provides them with the necessary information to respond effectively.

Is it impolite to ask someone to acknowledge receipt of an email?

It depends on how the request is phrased and the context in which it is made. If the request is phrased politely and respectfully, and is made in the context of important or time-sensitive information, it is generally considered appropriate to ask for acknowledgement of receipt.

However, if the request is phrased in a demanding or insistent manner, or is made in the context of less important or non-urgent information, it could be considered impolite. It’s important to consider the tone and context of your request when asking for acknowledgement of receipt to avoid coming across as impolite or demanding. 

Should you ask for acknowledging receipt in every email?

While it’s important to ensure that your messages are being received, using this phrase in every email can come across as demanding or insistent. 

Use it when the email is particularly important or time-sensitive.

How to acknowledge receipt of an email as a recipient?

There are various ways to acknowledge receipt of an email, a simple “received” or “thank you” message is appropriate, or a more detailed response acknowledging the contents of the email is also acceptable. It is important to be clear, concise and professional in your response.

Here are a few more phrases you can use:

  1. “I acknowledge the receipt of your email.”
  2. “I have received your email.”
  3. “Thank you for your email, I have received it and will review it shortly.”
  4. “I confirm receipt of your email and will respond as soon as possible.”
  5. “Your email has been received and is being processed.”
  6. “Thank you for the email, I confirm that it has been received and I will get back to you soon.”
  7. “Your email has been received, I will review it and get back to you with any questions or concerns”

Best practices for asking people to acknowledge receipt of emails

By following these best practices, you can help to ensure that your messages are being received and understood, and foster effective and efficient communication within your organization while avoiding impoliteness.

  1. Be specific: Be specific about what you expect the recipient to do with the email. If you need a response, let them know when you need it by.
  2. Be polite: Use polite and formal language when requesting acknowledgement of receipt.
  3. Provide context: Provide some context to the email and the reason for the acknowledgement request. This will help the recipient understand the importance of acknowledging receipt.
  4. Use it sparingly: While it’s important to ensure that your messages are being received, using this phrase in every email can come across as demanding or insistent. Use it when the email is particularly important or time-sensitive.

Wrapping up

Acknowledging receipt of emails ensures that messages are received and understood, helps to avoid confusion and miscommunication, and provides both parties with a clear understanding of the status of a request or task. 

By following best practices and being clear and professional in your acknowledgement, you can help to foster effective and efficient communication.

Other questions

What’s the difference between “please confirm receipt” and  “please confirm due upon receipt?

“Please confirm receipt” is a request for the recipient to confirm that they have received a certain item or message. It is a way to ensure that the item or message has been received and that there are no issues with delivery.

“Please confirm due upon receipt” is a request for the recipient to confirm that they have received a certain item or message, and that they understand that payment for the item or message is due as soon as they receive it. It is a way to ensure that the recipient is aware of their financial obligation and that there are no misunderstandings about when payment is due.