In this blog post, I will be sharing some examples of Foreword that you can use for your book, Report, thesis, or Research Paper. You can use these foreword samples as a guide to writing your foreword for your own papers or books.
But first, let us briefly discuss what a foreword is and why and where we should write a foreword. If you want to know the full process on how to write a foreword you can check out this post.
Foreword Defination – What is a Foreword?
A foreword is a short introduction paragraph written by someone other than the author of a book or a report. However, it can be written by the author himself as well if needed. It offers some insight into both the author and paper, either via the writer’s personal or professional relationship with the author or through the writer’s connection to the topic or area.
By writing a foreword, a person expresses their approval or support for the research and its author. So, while selecting a writer for a foreword, an author seeks to choose the “best” person to introduce them and their work.
Foreword by the Author
Foreword Example 1

This thesis was written for my Master degree in Transportation Sciences with specialization in Traffic Safety at the Hasselt University, Belgium. The subject of this thesis is related to Naturalistic Behavioral observation of road users. This is a very fascinating research topic as it is a blend of technical and social sciences ranging from pure transportation concepts to human behavioral and habitual characteristics. After thanking Allah Almighty and my family for their endless support, I would like to thank a few people here. I am really grateful to my promotor ( Dr. Stijn Daniels), co-promotor ( Dr.Tom Brijs) and supervisor (Wouter Van Haperen) for their guidance, reviews and recommendations. Specially Wouter who has been guiding me every step of the way as we worked together on this review of behavioral observation studies without whom this would nothave been possible. These people were always present to help me with my research whenever I needed them. Working with these people was a steep learning curve for me as they did not only polish my research skills but also gave me an insight into the dimensions of the real world traffic safety issues. Malik Sarmad Riaz August 2016
Foreword Example 2

My Whole career has been dedicated to pursuing the vision of a book called 'The One to One Future' by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Phd. Around the time that book dropped, I was headed for an advanced degree in physics at MIT, but Suddenly I decided I wanted to give the business world a try. So, I got a job at a management consultinig firm, where I learned how to use data and analytics to help make better customer systems. I fell in love with this world and began dreaming of ways to turbocharge these systems to personalize at scale.
Foreword Example 3

The rapid progress of agricultural and food chemistry, and the numerous researches conducted under the auspices of agri-food companies and private industries in both this and other countries, render it a difficult task to interpret facts which accumulate on daily basis. The e-book “Agricultural and Food Biotechnlogies” edited by Dr. Innocenzo Muzzalupo and Dr. Sabrina Micali provides a number of papers that are excellent examples of advanced works applied to relevant problems. This book covers key areas in agricultural science, namely crop improvement, production, nutrients, pests, disease, genetic, genomic and food industry. The contributions by the authors include manipulation of variable and genetic resources of inheritance of quantitative gene, crop rotation, soil water, and the effect of temperature on production. Aspects such as protecting crops against pests and diseases whilst ensuring the protection of human health are also taken into account.
Foreword by Others
Foreword Sample 1

This masterpiece with heavy research work was done by my junior, Dr ( mention the name) with full dedication. Previously he has achieved enormous success in the teaching profession and is new in the world of research. The paper title “parenting and children” will open new opportunities and perspectives in the parents' minds. And they will surely start understanding their child in a new way. In my entire teaching and counseling career, I have witnessed that the world is getting busy, and I find children are not having their parent company. I am hopeful that this work will surely impact readers' minds and they will make the world a better place. Dr. M Hussain. (Principal and counselor of H.K school).
Foreword Example 2

Mr. ( name of the writer) and I (name of the guest foreword writer) have started working with the same aim of solving the mysteries of the evil called poverty. And after reading this work, I'm highly delighted to find some of the answers to my year-long query. This working name (title of the thesis paper) will open the doors for new opportunities in the youth. M.K Singh. (Designation required).
Foreword Example 3

Foreword Example 4

I started out as a computer science major. I then got excited about improvisational comedy. I then somehow ended up as CEO of Twitter. We live in a world where the yellow brick road has many forks and can take us on many incredible journeys. It’s increasingly difficult to know the final destination of these journeys. The day and age of massive corporations that take care of us from beginning to end are over. But that is exciting news. It means we can choose the life we want for ourselves. You choose that life by doing the best you can right in this moment. Right now. By being bold in this moment. Right now. There is no other moment to wait for. Twitter is about the entire world conversation right in this moment. It’s the improvisation, right now, of the planet. And yes, it’s often comedy. And it’s often about people reinventing themselves and starting new conversations for their lives. What I like about James and his book is you can tell he came from a similar roller coaster. He chose his own path to success without knowing the outcome. And what happens to him later—well, hopefully he won’t end up in a gutter. Who knows? The key is to be bold right in this moment. As James says in the title of this book, ‘Choose Yourself’, and he explains how. Choose yourself right now.