Writing academic papers can be challenging.
There’s so much to know about writing a well-researched paper and keeping it free of clichés, sources, and other pitfalls. One way to make it easier on yourself is by using paraphrasing tools. These tools let you easily generate original and unique content. They are most suitable when you’re looking to change words and rephrase sentences, whether you want to summarize your text or rewrite it completely.
The best paraphrasing tools will not only keep your arguments intact but also make sure that the new version matches the required formatting, word count, and other standards for academic writing – be it your assignments, project reports, theses, dissertations, or research papers.
1. CleverSpinner
CleverSpinner is a paraphrasing tool that allows you to rewrite sentences by spinning off synonyms, intending to make your writing more lively and interesting. The platform is easy to use and integrate into your writing process.
The best part about CleverSpinner is that it offers a 3-day free trial.
All you need to do is install the application on your device (iOS or Android) and start typing. As soon as you hit the “Spin” button, CleverSpinner will start spinning off synonyms for each word in your sentence. You can also choose an existing sentence from the list of pre-generated sentences and spin off new ideas from there.
You can also select one or multiple words at once, then click on them as many times as needed until you’re satisfied with your results.
2. Content Professor
Content Professor is a paraphrasing tool that can help you eliminate plagiarism issues. It is a very easy-to-use paraphrasing tool that will make the whole process of rewriting content much more accessible. It will help you rewrite your content so that it sounds fresh and original.
The best part about using this tool is that it will not take any time at all for you to complete the task of rewriting your content. It has an extremely high speed of rewriting, which means that you can rewrite your content within a brief period.
This is because this tool uses artificial intelligence technology, which means it can work independently without any human intervention required.
3. Reprhaser.co
Rephraser.co is another great AI-based paraphrasing tool that creates different versions of the same text with more clarity.
It replaces words with synonyms and changes the sentence structure without altering the text’s meaning.
This online paraphraser simplifies the complex content and makes it easy to read and understand. Moreover, it also improves the text quality and enhances its readability. All you need to do is copy-paste the text into its input box and press the “Paraphrase button. It will create human-friendly content in a matter of seconds.
The paraphrased text will be free from robotic language. Instead, it performs human-level paraphrasing. The plus point of using rephraser.co is that it is packed with “Grammar Checker” and “Text Summarizer” features.
You can use these features to make your text error-free and generate an article summary, respectively.
4. Spin Rewriter
Spin Rewriter is a paraphrasing tool that has been used by lots of people to make money online. It is a fantastic tool that can be used to rewrite articles, blogs, and content in the best possible way. It also has several other features like SEO optimization and rewriting, which makes it a complete package.
The best part about Spin Rewriter is that it doesn’t require any learning on your part. You need to know how to use the software, and then you can start making money immediately.
Spin Rewriter works by rewriting your content from scratch into a new version suitable for different purposes. This means that you don’t have to worry about changing the format or style of your work because Spin Rewriter will ensure that everything remains intact after rewriting it.
5. QuillBot
QuillBot is a handy paraphrasing tool that lets you type your content and get the best possible results. The online paraphrasing tool is compatible with all browsers, including mobile ones.
If you are looking for a fast paraphrasing tool that can help you enhance your writing skills, QuillBot is the right choice for you. It supports most languages and has a wide range of options to choose from.
6. Spinbot
Spinbot is an automated article rewriter that can spin articles into unique content and rewrite human-readable sentences into the best article rewriter for your website or blog.
Spinbot is an online paraphrasing tool that can help you replace the text of your article with a paraphrase, a new piece of text made up of a number of your original sentences. The meaning of the sentences will change, but the structure, words, and grammar remain the same. This technique is called “paraphrasing.”
It is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). It uses natural language processing, extensive data analysis, and plagiarism checkers to generate human-like content. Once you upload your content, it will be read by our software, automatically generating unique content by blending synonyms appropriately.
7. WordAi
WordAi is a great tool that can be used to paraphrase your thesis. It can also be used to generate synonyms, but I would not recommend using it for this purpose.
WordAi is an automatic paraphrasing tool that will automatically rewrite any given piece of text so that it is in the same style as another piece of text or a portion of writing you may have written before. The service can detect specific language patterns within the text and use them to create a new version of the text that is more closely aligned with the original one.
The service will also provide suggestions for improving your work based on their analysis of your previous writing. This can help you avoid repeating yourself in your thesis and ensure that you are writing in a way that is consistent with the rest of your work.
8. Wordtune AI Rewriter
Wordtune AI Rewriter is a paraphrasing tool that can help you to rewrite your thesis. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to rewrite your paper by analyzing the content and structure of your original paper. With Wordtune AI Rewriter, you can easily change the content of your paper to make it original and unique.
Wordtune AI Rewriter also allows you to use your source material as an example for rewriting your thesis. You can choose from hundreds of pre-written samples or write a new sample on your own if you want.
Over to you
Hopefully, you will find these tools valuable and will use them to ensure that you create high-quality work. Our goal is to help you as a student succeed by making your schoolwork easier. That’s why we have listed out these paraphrasing tools here. The bottom line is that they will empower you as an academic writer and boost your confidence as well as your grade.
Introduction to Academic Writing
By O.P. Jindal Global University
Duration: 16-hour
Cost: FREE
Gain an in-depth understanding of reading and writing as essential skills to conduct robust and critical research for your writing.
Writing in English at University
By Lund University
Duration: 24-hour
Cost: FREE
Learn how to structure your text and arguments, quote sources, and incorporate editing and proofreading in your academic writing.
Academic English: Writing Specialization
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Duration: 6 months
Cost: Free 7-day trial, USD39 per month
The skills taught in this Specialization will empower you to succeed in any college-level course or professional field. You’ll learn to conduct rigorous academic research and to express your ideas clearly in an academic format.
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