When you run a case study, it’s crucial that you acknowledge the participants who helped make your case happen. Without those people, your case study would not have been possible. However, most case study acknowledgements can be tricky to create and write. Here are some practical examples of how you can acknowledge a participant in your case studies:
Case Study Acknowledegement Sample 1

In performing my case study, I had to take the help and guidelines of some respected persons, who deserve my greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives me much pleasure. Firstly, I would like to show my gratitude to Mr. Priyantha Ranasinghe, Module 3 Lecturer, IPMfor giving us a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations.
Secondly, I would like to appreciate The immense patience shown by my parents while I was working on this. Also, I would like to thank them for supporting me wholeheartedly and providing me with everything I ask them for. Also, I would like to thank I.S. Hettiarachchi for helping me throughout and motivating me.
I would also like to expand my deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided me in writing this case study. Many people, especially my classmates have made valuable comments, suggestions on this case study which gave me The inspiration to improve my case study. I thank all the people for their help directly and indirectly to complete my module 3 case study.
Case Study Acknowledgement Sample 2

The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.
However, the group would like to express their deep appreciation and indebtedness particularly to the following: Ms. Roselyn M. Madiwo, RN, MAN; Mr. Michael Bia, RN; and Mr. Jelmon Laureta, RN, MAN for their endless support, kind and understanding spirit during our case presentation.
To all relatives, friends and others who in one way or another shared their support, either morally, financially and physically, thank you.
Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for his countless love. We thank you.
Case Study Acknowledgement Example 3
Our special thanks to the committed team of educators, subject matter experts, technologists, librarians, and support staff without whom this book would not have been possible.
Thank you to Lauri Aesoph and your team at BCcampus for your patience and attention to detail with our writing and formatting of the content in this book. We are grateful for your time, effort, and support in the development of these case studies.
Thank you to the team of faculty and other experts at BCIT in brainstorming, creating, and writing these case studies:
We would also like to express our particular thanks to Eva Somogyi, Joan Walker, Ian Fingler, and Doug Wiebe for contributing their knowledge and clinical expertise to these case studies.
We are grateful to David Porter for his vision and encouragement in starting us off in the development of these case studies and Barbara Berry for her enthusiasm, energy, and expertise in facilitating and guiding us through our first case study sprint session.
Thank you especially to Bernice Budz, Stephanie Howes, Cheryl Isaak, and James Rout for their support, leadership, and encouragement in developing these case studies.
Finally, thank you to our families for their support and patience in our journey through writing this resource, and the unanticipated additional hours of work.
Case Study Acknowledgement Example 4

In performing our Assignment, we had to take the help and guideline of the one, who deserves our greatest gratitude.
The completion of this case study gives us much Pleasure. We would like to show our gratitude to Sir Nauman Nazir, University of Central Punjab, Faisalabad, for giving us this assignment the purpose of which was to increase our knowledge and to do some practical work.
If you want to create you own acknowledgement for your project you can also use our acknowledgement generator tool.