In this blog post, we will be sharing with you some examples of acknowledgement written for a business plan.
All the acknowledgment are taken from a real business plan so these examples will show you how an actual acknowledgement is written for a business plan.
Business Plan Acknowledgement Example 1

With gratitude, all praises go to Him, The Creator of all. After all obstacles and hardship that obstruct our path, finally we reach our goal. With satisfaction, now we are already finished our business plan report. Hereby, without doubt we would like to say that, during the completion of this course, ample of knowledge and experiences have been obtained. Though, undeniably, it is quite difficult for us to complete the task, it is worthy and we learn much. Alhamdulillah, thank you to the all mighty ALLAH S.W.T because of His divine guidance which has enabled us to finish our business plan.
We would like to thanks to our entrepreneurship walkabout, Sir Jamil, for his guidance, support and advice. He also shares his knowledge and experience to ensure us finish this business plan in accordance to the requirements for the completion of HPD 228.
Flash back to our memories while working on this report and in the process of completing it, we succeed to build a strong bond of friendship among our team members. The strong bond that has been created and co operation that existed help up a lot in achieving our aims. All the teammates play vital role that contribute to our success.
Lastly, we hope the knowledge that we have gathered from this course can help us to manage our own business and guide us to be a successful entrepreneur in the future. We would like to apologize for all the mistakes that happened with or without our concern. Please do forgive us. Once for all, a great gratitude to Allah and others that have been helping us so much. Only Allah can repay all of your good deeds. Bouquet of thank.
Business Plan Acknowledgement Sample 2

First of all I would like to show my heartiest gratitude to the Almighty God who makes us able to successful compilation of this Business Plan. Then my gratitude goes to Dr Holger Briel, Our honorable supervisor and lecturer in College of Tourism and Hotel Management, who always supported us to make this Business Plan appropriately and those friends who gave me essential information to make this Business Plan.
Acknowledgement for Business Plan Example 3
This Business plan is a part of the subject “New Enterprise and Innovation Management”. I am glad to submit to this report which includes the practical aspect of the industrial study. I am happy to expressed to my deepest gratitude to all person who spend their valuable time and help me and in preparing of this project work. A successful challenge of visit in any industry gave me a chance to transfer it into a result.
I oblige Gujarat Technological University for providing me with a valuable opportunity to undertake surveys of small scale industry and I also thankful to introduce me to a new horizon in the Entrepreneurships skills.
I am thankful to Dr Rajesh Patel for guiding me towards succesfal preparation of this project. I would like to express my opportunity to my fends and all people who have directly or indirectly help me in this project work.
Acknowledgement for Business Plan example 4

We would like to thank our creator for allowing us to complete our work, especially for helping us during the difficult times.
We would also like to thank Mr. Nasir Khan for guiding us throughout our task completion, and for always making sure that he is available when we need his assistance.
We would also like to thank to our family, especially our parents, for being so patient and encouraging, and our Grandparents for praying to us through thick and thin.
We dedicate this work to every one, who always eager to get knowledge and have courage to continue studying and to have faith in Allah at all times.